Krista Eaton – Creator Spotlight

brid on blossom krista eaton

In our Creator Spotlight today is a beautiful up and coming artist, Krista Eaton.  Originally from British Columbia, Canada, Krista and her family now live in Arizona, USA.

I’ve loved and followed Krista’s art on for years!  It was so great to connect with her and find out about her work.

tulips and sunflower krista eaton
Krista Eaton oil 6 x 6

Starting Out

Krista has loved art and drawing since she was a child.  As a young adult, she started taking painting classes at local art class venues in Canada and began selling her original acrylic paintings at local cafes.

Several years ago she and her husband moved to Scottsdale Arizona where she had access to artists teaching at the Scottsdale Artist School.  However, the painting instructors only worked in oil.  Krista had to go through a learning curve to adapt to the dramatically different medium. Now she prefers to paint in oil because the extreme lack of humidity in Arizona makes keeping acrylics paint wet difficult.  Oils stay workable for many hours.

The bonus is that now she is adept with both mediums.   Krista will demonstrate to her students in both oil and acrylic.  What a great bonus for students!!

flaming hearts tulips krista eaton
Flaming Hearts Tulips Still Life by Krista Eaton Oil 6 x 6 inches

Favorite Subjects

Krista loves the colorful personalities of birds that are abundant around her home.  Coming from the Pacific Northwest, where seagulls, robins and crows are the dominant bird variety, living in Arizona is a bonus.  In her back yard she sees woodpeckers, parrots, finches and cardinals that often show up in her artwork.

bird sunflower krista eaton
Sunflower and bird 6×6 oil Krista Eaton

Another reoccurring theme is flowers.  Beautifully portrayed with colorful and graceful strokes, Kirsta’s artwork is alive with the love she feels toward her subject. “I love flowers and birds. I love the beautiful colors of flowers and the individual personalities of birds!” Krista’s face lights up when talking about her favorite subjects.

Enduring Influences

Contemporary art masters are favorite influences in her work.  Daniel Keys, Nicoletta Baumeister and famous Canadian artists such as Robert Genn inspire her work.

Unique Format

Krista’s best selling work is in a square format.  When asked how that came about, she shared that when she first started selling her work online, it was through the artists auction website, started by the famous artist Carol Marine and her husband as a venue for artists to sell their work without a big fee gouge to the artists.  The square format sells well on this website and the price point enables prolific artists to develop a collector and fan base.

With All My Heart Krista Eaton
With All My Heart 6 x6 x oil Krista Eaton

Current Projects

Krista’s top priority is her family.  “Family and God first ” is her motto. Art fits in around the daily demands that come with raising a family. Her main focus right now is teaching painting online with her classes and workshops.



When asked what advice she would give artists just starting out, and wanting to expand their skills quickly, Krista advises NOT to go to an art school.  Doing online workshops from artists who are making a living making and selling their art is the best way to go. “Do little paintings every day!  Little studies done every day will vault your skill faster than working on just a few larger paintings.  Follow and learn from artists you admire. Go with what works for you.”

Her strategy is certainly paying off in her own work!

robin krista eaton
Krista Eaton oil 6 x 6

You can find Krista’s work online at her website, where you can enroll in her online classes as well.


Anita HC

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