A new invention for artists, illustrators, and craftspeople in the last decade or so are watercolor brush pens. The ingenious aspect of these pens is that you don’t need to keep a container of...
Category: Painting
Here is my very easy beach landscape tutorial using Watercolor Brush Pens with my Pro Tips and insider information. Supplies Used I used Strathmore Cold Press Watercolor Paper 140 LB and...
This watercolor brush pens tutorial Sunset Lake is using May Moi brand brush pens. and Strathmore Watercolor paper series 300. I also used a number eight round watercolor brush like this...
Introduction to Arches Huile Oil Paper I love painting in oil and typically my favorite support is hardboard. It is not flexible, is not easily punctured and is archival and durable. Arches is a...
11 Best Airbrushes For Miniatures Reviewed in 2023 (MUST READ!)
Using an airbrush to paint miniatures makes for swift paint application and a professional paint finish sometimes much easier than using a paintbrush. Our pick for the best airbrush for miniatures...
How To Easily Sew A Reversible Placemat For Beginners (2023)
Introduction of How To Sew Placemats Sewing placemats for you yourself or for gift-giving is super easy and fairly cost-effective to beginners. One year I made over 70 of these for Christmas...